Youth basketball games cancelled January 11th due to snow will be made up on March 1st at the same time and location as originally scheduled. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF 9 YEAR-OLD BOYS (see below):

Saturday, March 1 at CGIS
11:00  a.m.      Shepard vs Myers
12:00 p.m.      Tipton vs Tate
1:00  p.m.      Gillooly vs George  

Basketball for Fun (For 5 Year Olds)

Basketball for Fun is a low-key, non-competitive approach to the game of basketball. Available to boys and girls 5 years old, this is a great introductory approach to learn the fundamentals of the game. The program meets for one hour on Saturdays for 6 weeks.
Registration Dates
September 30 - October 25, 2024 (first come/first served until full)
Beginning Date
January 11, 2025 - Please see Schedule below - available closer to date.
9:00 - 10:00 AM
Everett Recreation Center
$78.00 includes game jersey
+ $18.00 for pictures which is totally optional,
$20.00 if purchased the day of pictures
*Late registration is $5.00 extra and on a space available basis
Program Director
Geoff Hamm

Youth Basketball (For 6-16 Year Olds)

Every effort is made to educate participants in the game of basketball while having fun. This program is available for boys and girls Ages 6-16 and will include "all-girls/all-boys" leagues through Age 12. Each participant will play in every game.

⚬ Teams will play an 7–game season with games being played on Saturdays.
⚬ Children will practice 1 time per week, which tentatively begins several weeks prior to the season.
⚬ Children are placed on teams through a draft.
⚬ Children Ages 6-12 will be placed on an all-boys/all-girls team. Ages 13-16 play co-ed.
Registration Dates
September 30 - October 25, 2024 (first come/first served until full)
Beginning Date
January 11, 2025
Please see League Schedules above - available closer to date.
Game times will vary from early morning to mid-afternoon.
Everett and Springbrook Recreation Centers, and area schools
$78.00 includes game jersey
+ $18.00 for pictures which is totally optional,
$20.00 if purchased the day of pictures
*Late registration is $5.00 extra and on a space available basis
Volunteer Parents
A background check is done on all volunteers.